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Why Casino and Gaming Brands Should Bet Big on Direct Mail

Written by Quantum Marketing Team | May 24, 2024 4:10:50 PM

Casino and gaming success is built on numbers, and the numbers show that in 2023 the commercial gaming revenue in the U.S. hit an annual record of $66.5 billion, and the online gaming and betting market is estimated to grow to an astounding $144.4 billion by 2028. 

That’s money on the table — literally and figuratively — which means that casinos and gaming brands have to compete with both online and in-person gaming options in an effort to win big with consumers. How can they stand out? 

Direct mail. 

Whether it’s fliers, postcards, or catalogs, direct mail allows brands to send out personalized, digitally integrated marketing materials that customers not only trust, but that they also engage with on a regular basis. Here’s why you should bet on direct mail for marketing campaign success. 


More customers trust direct mail

“Digital fatigue” is a real thing. There were more than 347 billion emails sent and received in 2023, and as of the end of 2023, the average person was spending more than six hours a day online. 

On the other hand, the average home in America received 368 pieces of regular marketing direct mail a year in 2022 — around one a day — and more than 76% of people say that they trust direct mail more than other marketing communication they receive. 

The power print possesses to help consumers better retain and recall sales and marketing messaging — 75% of people can recall a brand after receiving a direct mail piece, whereas only 44% can remember a brand after viewing an ad online — also makes direct mail an extremely effective communication method, especially because high-quality pieces are more likely to be shared within a recipient’s personal and professional network. 

Direct mail has a higher response rate

Reading their mail is one thing, but actually responding to it in a positive way is another. The good news is that the average response rate of direct mail is around 3% higher than the response rate of email, and a 2023 survey found that around 53% of responding 18 to 34-year olds said that they searched for the sending brand online after receiving direct mail, whereas those older than 35 reported directly visiting the brand’s website. 

So what exactly makes direct mail more engaging? 

First, the study found that direct mail is easier to understand and remember due to 21% less cognitive workload, and 73% of consumers prefer direct mail because they can read it at their convenience and have something tangible to hold in their hands. Because of that, print marketing materials are kept for an average of 17 days, meaning the recipient is likely exposed to it multiple times, which creates a stronger lasting impression. 

It allows for greater personalization

Part of that strong impression is the use of personalization, with a survey finding that when the use of name, color and database information was added to direct mail pieces, the response rate was an incredible 500%. Consumers associate that personal touch with positive experiences, something 72% of people expect from companies and that 76% say is a key factor when making a purchasing decision. This is reflected in the fact that companies that excel at personalization generate 40% more revenue from those efforts than their counterparts.

Since the casino and gaming demographic is already engaging with their direct mail, this is a golden opportunity to provide your mailing list with targeted, personalized print that makes them feel like you understand their buying behaviors and are taking the time to send offers that are relevant and useful. 

Digital print technology is cost-effective

One way to ensure you’re sending the right mail to the right people is through the use of a print automation solution that can integrate with your customer relationship management (CRM). You can use those insights to create highly targeted direct mail pieces that are triggered by things like customer behaviors — hitting it big at your casino, for example. You could then send a congratulatory offer for your services that not only makes them feel important, but also helps to build brand loyalty. 

Digital print technology also allows print-on-demand (POD), which makes it possible to print the exact quantity you need right when you need it, with the flexibility to to update messages and offers in real time. This is a cost-effective option for things like exclusive, limited-time offers that makes excess copies nearly impossible to use in the future. 

ROI is easy to track

One of the biggest advantages of direct mail is the fact you can easily track your return on investment (ROI), which is critical when understanding how well your campaign is performing and how you can maximize your marketing spend.

The great thing about direct mail is there are several ways to do this. By adding customized URLs or QR codes to each piece of mail, you can track how many people visit your website or custom landing pages using the analytics tools you already have in your website. 

You can make direct mail even more dynamic with augmented reality (AR) and near-field communication (NFC), adding visual “triggers” that are activated by a customer’s smartphone that instantly takes them to an immersive experience showcasing your brand in a new, exciting way. 

As a strategic print automation expert, Quantum can help you create data-driven direct mail marketing collateral that integrates digital components to reach your customers when they want it, how they want it. Contact our experts today and bet big on your next direct mail campaign.