The insurance industry is one that’s predicated on print. Even as many other industries make the transition to digital channels for transactional documents like account overviews and statements, it makes sense that insurers continue to rely on print communications as almost 75% of consumers prefer print for things like bills or invoices; and more than one-third of those surveyed are more favorable toward print specifically for insurance information.
How Insurers Are Using Print in 2023
Mar 10, 2023 3:25:29 PM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in direct mail, printing
Why We Chose the Landa: Embracing the Future with Nanographic Printing Technology
Jan 11, 2023 2:00:00 PM / by Cheryl Kahanec posted in printing, nanographic printing
The world of commercial print is constantly changing and evolving. The last 30 years have seen massive leaps in print technology, from digital and inkjet presses that can achieve the same quality as offset to robotics and advanced automation, and Quantum Group makes strategic investments in these print technologies to provide our customers with the highest quality print work, at the fastest speed and with the lowest environmental impact.
Your Audience Wants Direct Mail
May 14, 2021 10:17:26 AM / by Joe Holleman posted in direct mail, marketing strategy, printing
Paul’s Perspective – Quantum’s 2021 Second Quarter Paper and Trend Analysis
Apr 19, 2021 1:16:36 PM / by Paul Fillmore posted in paper, marketing strategy, printing
Quantum's 2021 Second Quarter Paper & Trend Analysis - Cautiously Optimistic
Spring brings rapid change, and this quarter’s Q2 Outlook is no stranger to it. We will summarize the variety of challenges facing procurement in the print marketplace (surprise hint: it’s just not paper!). Also in this month’s report: Big wins for Quantum and myself personally as we earned 13 Great Lakes Graphics Association - Graphics Excellence Awards (GEA) contest, including multiple Best of Category and Division awards.