Print automation presents a variety of benefits for marketers in creating more efficient, cost-effective print materials. But this increased efficiency and overall reduction of waste also means print automation can help brands enhance their sustainability efforts and take a more eco-friendly approach to print.
Print Automation and Sustainability: An Interview with Quantum Group’s Bob Quirk and Paul Fillmore
Mar 12, 2025 9:20:50 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in sustainability, nanographic printing
How Nanographic Printing Can Help Marketers Create More Cost-Effective Print Collateral
Jun 28, 2024 10:17:49 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in sustainability, nanographic printing
The choice between offset vs. digital print is one that marketers have to weigh when deciding the right print technology for producing print collateral. Depending on the job, factors like print run, cost, production time, and quality usually tip the scale into the offset or digital camp, but the introduction and development of Nanographic Printing® can help marketers experience the benefits of digital print technology with the added value proposition of achieving even more efficient economies of scale.
What Does Nanographic Printing Have to Do with Sustainability in Print?
Feb 13, 2024 9:45:20 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in sustainability, printing, nanographic printing
Digital presses have long been heralded for their ability to help brands meet sustainability initiatives in print. The ability to reduce waste by printing exact quantities and using less ink to create the same quality as offset are important value propositions for creating sustainable print. The continued evolution of digital press technology has led to the development of Nanographic Printing®, a revolutionary print platform that has opened up a world of possibilities for brands to leverage high-quality digital print that’s even more eco-friendly.
4 Ways to Increase the Sustainability of Your Print Marketing
Feb 24, 2023 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Fillmore posted in sustainability, marketing strategy, nanographic printing
Sustainability in print means something drastically different today than it did just a few years ago. What this difference looks like is exactly what Quantum Group’s Supply Chain Manager Paul Fillmore found himself wrestling with in the latest issue of LeadingPRINT.
What is Nanographic Printing?
Feb 9, 2023 3:36:31 PM / by Michele Brennan posted in nanographic printing
Offset. Digital. Inkjet. These are likely the kind of commercial presses you’ve heard of and are familiar with — in fact, odds are you’ve likely printed a project on one of them, which means you’re probably familiar with each and the kinds of print that is ideal for each press.
Good News: Now You Can Print On Any Substrate
Jan 23, 2023 11:00:00 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in sustainability, nanographic printing
Almost every digital print platform has some limitations with media compatibility and whether some level of pretreatment is required before the substrate goes to print. This can create significant challenges during the print process, because it means that unexpected paper issues can easily extend production time or increase costs.
Why We Chose the Landa: Embracing the Future with Nanographic Printing Technology
Jan 11, 2023 2:00:00 PM / by Cheryl Kahanec posted in printing, nanographic printing
The world of commercial print is constantly changing and evolving. The last 30 years have seen massive leaps in print technology, from digital and inkjet presses that can achieve the same quality as offset to robotics and advanced automation, and Quantum Group makes strategic investments in these print technologies to provide our customers with the highest quality print work, at the fastest speed and with the lowest environmental impact.