The print catalog is making a comeback, and its resurgence is largely attributed to the trust and value today’s customers put in print materials. For example, 70% of consumers trust print more than any other medium, with 53% of recipients sharing that they look forward to receiving direct mail ads.1
The Comeback of the Catalog
Mar 25, 2025 11:16:06 AM / by Patrick Leonard posted in direct mail, personalization, marketing strategy, printing
Why Print Marketing Matters More than Ever for Franchise Brands
Feb 20, 2025 9:11:28 AM / by Cary Giltz posted in direct mail, personalization, marketing strategy, printing
Today’s consumers are inundated with emails and digital marketing every day. This makes it harder than ever for franchise brands to capture the attention of both prospective customers and those who have purchased from them in the past.
Ask These Questions to Determine the Effectiveness of Your Direct Mail Campaigns
Jan 31, 2025 11:18:22 AM / by Cary Giltz posted in direct mail, personalization, marketing strategy, printing
Technology is making direct mail campaigns faster, easier, and more viable to produce as part of a brand’s overall communication strategy. The trust consumers place in print media often puts direct mailers at the heart of multi-touchpoint marketing campaigns designed to connect with target audiences across a variety of channels.
How Print Automation Can Help the Gaming Industry Create More Strategic, Cost-Effective Print
Feb 28, 2024 11:09:09 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in personalization, printing
The total revenue generated by the U.S. gaming industry in 2023 topped $101 billion, a large percentage of which was driven by casino gaming. This figure is expected to grow in the coming years, and this growth likely means more competition that top casino brands will have to navigate in order to maintain or even expand their market share.
What Does Nanographic Printing Have to Do with Sustainability in Print?
Feb 13, 2024 9:45:20 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in sustainability, printing, nanographic printing
Digital presses have long been heralded for their ability to help brands meet sustainability initiatives in print. The ability to reduce waste by printing exact quantities and using less ink to create the same quality as offset are important value propositions for creating sustainable print. The continued evolution of digital press technology has led to the development of Nanographic Printing®, a revolutionary print platform that has opened up a world of possibilities for brands to leverage high-quality digital print that’s even more eco-friendly.
The ABCs of Using Print in Account-Based Marketing Campaigns
Jan 23, 2024 10:26:41 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in marketing strategy, printing
The growth of account-based marketing (ABM) campaigns during the last few years has opened up some interesting avenues for marketers to take a more strategic approach to communicating with audiences that are apt to engage with your messaging. While customer outreach methods like social media marketing or even content marketing are good for building brand awareness and creating thought leadership, ABM campaigns are designed to connect with a more targeted audience that is more likely to convert on high-value offers.
4 Trends in Direct Mail Marketing to Keep An Eye On
Jan 11, 2024 11:50:58 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in direct mail, marketing strategy, printing
Direct mail is not dead — in fact, this print marketing communication form is very much alive and well. A recent United States Postal Service report found that 75% of respondents said receiving personalized direct mail makes them feel special, and today’s consumers still put more trust in the print communication channel compared to the digital channel.
Yes, Print Automation Can Help Optimize Your Data Security and Compliance Efforts
Dec 15, 2023 9:49:06 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in printing
Data security and compliance has always been top of mind for companies in highly-regulated industries, or those that deal with large volumes of personal consumer data — for the former, think industries like healthcare or finance, and, for the latter, think industries like retail or ecommerce. A recent report found that 91% of Fortune 500 organizations have updated their business and operational strategies to address data security risks, and these efforts are extending beyond security and compliance in the digital space.
What to Know About the 2024 USPS® Promotions and Incentive Programs
Dec 8, 2023 9:42:39 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in direct mail, marketing strategy, printing
The USPS® Promotions and Incentive Programs are designed to help businesses and brands save on the cost of direct mail postage, but the programs also encourage companies to think outside the box and incorporate existing new digital technology to help make their direct mail campaigns more interactive and engaging.
How Working with a Strategic Print Partner Can Help You Get the Most Out of the USPS® Informed Delivery® Program
Nov 20, 2023 9:31:24 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in personalization, marketing strategy, printing
A recent survey of millennials found that 3 out of 4 participants indicated that they find value in and look forward to receiving print mail. Given the importance of this demographic in a variety of industries, it’s no surprise that more marketers are incorporating direct mail campaigns into their overall marketing and communication strategy.