The world of commercial print is constantly changing and evolving. The last 30 years have seen massive leaps in print technology, from digital and inkjet presses that can achieve the same quality as offset to robotics and advanced automation, and Quantum Group makes strategic investments in these print technologies to provide our customers with the highest quality print work, at the fastest speed and with the lowest environmental impact.
Why We Chose the Landa: Embracing the Future with Nanographic Printing Technology
Jan 11, 2023 2:00:00 PM / by Cheryl Kahanec posted in printing, nanographic printing
It’s been an interesting first quarter here at Quantum-so interesting in fact that we had to table our First Quarter outlook to get some customers taken care of. The phones haven’t stopped ringing, the email alerts ping away, and print demand is back. That leaves us with the following question: what about the paper?
4 Tips to Lead Your Marketing Organization to Success
Mar 25, 2022 5:09:33 PM / by Quantum Marketing Team
Do you have what it takes to propel your organization to the top? Take a look at these tips from the “2022 Digital Trends” report from Adobe and Econsultancy:
7 Reasons Why Your Customers are Leaving
Mar 25, 2022 1:19:28 PM / by Quantum Marketing Team
A 5 Step Guide to Building a Personalized Marketing Campaign
Feb 23, 2022 10:00:00 AM / by Joe Holleman
The role data plays in creating personalized engagement
Your 7 Step Process to Competitive Recon Bliss
Feb 9, 2022 11:30:00 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in marketing strategy
Tips on how to stay ahead of your competition
1. Research how top competitors position themselves in front of their target market, and how (note: this is not marketing)
See what the experts are saying
From postcards to signage to web design, change is here. See what trends Venngage Inc. says will be the latest and greatest this year:
Top Challenges Facing Creative Teams
Creative teams can take a bow. In the “2021 Creative Management Report,” 93% of respondents said that creative content is important to the success of their organization’s key objectives. The report, published by inMotionNow and InSource for the fourth year, combines survey results from over 400 marketing and creative professionals with insights and best practices from industry leaders. Businesses are increasingly recognizing that creative content sets them apart, yet fewer resources and higher demands have put creatives through a tailspin. See what challenges creatives are facing:
Direct Mail Remains Popular with Younger Consumers
Ready, Set, Grow
Jul 14, 2021 1:19:00 PM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in direct mail, marketing strategy