When evaluating the performance of your direct mail campaign, response rate carries the day. The average response rate for direct mail campaigns clocks in at 4.4%, and while this may seem low compared to average email click-through rates, the challenge of reaching email inboxes and achieving high open rates makes direct mail campaigns all the more important and valuable.
What Do QR Codes Have to Do With Direct Mail Response Rates?
Jun 12, 2023 10:55:45 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in direct mail
5 Ways to Make Your Direct Mail Campaigns More Sustainable
May 24, 2023 9:00:00 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in direct mail, sustainability
We know that direct mail campaigns can be an extremely effective way of connecting with customers. However, the need to meet specific sustainability benchmarks across nearly every industry can muddy the waters in terms of incorporating direct mail campaigns into a larger print marketing strategy.
How to Design a Postcard That Gets Your Customers to Convert
May 10, 2023 1:50:38 PM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in direct mail
One of the first questions B2B marketers have when considering a direct mail postcard campaign is whether such a piece can be effective in getting customers to convert. While this skepticism may have been warranted in the past, as digital marketing tools like email have risen to prominence, they have also become more congested. This, along with the continued decline of email delivery and response rates in the B2B space, has prompted marketers to revisit postcard mailing programs as a viable way to drive conversions.
How Direct Mail Can Help Create Effective Omnichannel Marketing Campaigns
Apr 21, 2023 11:28:09 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in direct mail
One of the strongest arguments for email marketing in the B2B space is its return on investment — email campaigns are relatively inexpensive to create and can come together in a fairly expedient manner. But in order to achieve the robust ROI email marketing can provide, these digital communications actually need to reach inboxes, and deliverability is quickly becoming a big challenge for marketers in engaging their target audiences.
The Power of the Postcard in Direct Mail
Apr 10, 2023 10:30:00 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in direct mail, printing
Here’s the good news for marketers seeking a viable alternative to crowded digital channels: Postcard direct mail programs are a simple, cost-effective way to create personalized marketing communications that can speak to highly targeted audiences in ways that drive robust response rates and meaningful ROI.
How to Use Print-on-Demand for Real World Applications
Mar 20, 2023 12:07:05 PM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in direct mail, personalization, marketing strategy, printing
A recent study found that 82% of those surveyed trust print advertising over any other communication channel. Additionally, a related survey revealed that 79% of consumers are more apt to respond to a print call-to-action compared with just 45% with emails or other digital channels.
It’s clear the pathway for print is wide open, and print-on demand (POD) has emerged as a valuable tool in helping companies leverage the flexibility, speed, and real-time consumer data necessary to deliver timely, highly targeted, and personalized print that can help drive growth.
How Insurers Are Using Print in 2023
Mar 10, 2023 3:25:29 PM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in direct mail, printing
The insurance industry is one that’s predicated on print. Even as many other industries make the transition to digital channels for transactional documents like account overviews and statements, it makes sense that insurers continue to rely on print communications as almost 75% of consumers prefer print for things like bills or invoices; and more than one-third of those surveyed are more favorable toward print specifically for insurance information.
4 Ways to Increase the Sustainability of Your Print Marketing
Feb 24, 2023 11:45:00 AM / by Paul Fillmore posted in sustainability, marketing strategy, nanographic printing
Sustainability in print means something drastically different today than it did just a few years ago. What this difference looks like is exactly what Quantum Group’s Supply Chain Manager Paul Fillmore found himself wrestling with in the latest issue of LeadingPRINT.
What is Nanographic Printing?
Feb 9, 2023 3:36:31 PM / by Michele Brennan posted in nanographic printing
Offset. Digital. Inkjet. These are likely the kind of commercial presses you’ve heard of and are familiar with — in fact, odds are you’ve likely printed a project on one of them, which means you’re probably familiar with each and the kinds of print that is ideal for each press.
Good News: Now You Can Print On Any Substrate
Jan 23, 2023 11:00:00 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in sustainability, nanographic printing
Almost every digital print platform has some limitations with media compatibility and whether some level of pretreatment is required before the substrate goes to print. This can create significant challenges during the print process, because it means that unexpected paper issues can easily extend production time or increase costs.