Your Audience Wants Direct Mail
May 14, 2021 10:17:26 AM / by Joe Holleman posted in direct mail, marketing strategy, printing
Paul’s Perspective – Quantum’s 2021 Second Quarter Paper and Trend Analysis
Apr 19, 2021 1:16:36 PM / by Paul Fillmore posted in paper, marketing strategy, printing
Quantum's 2021 Second Quarter Paper & Trend Analysis - Cautiously Optimistic
Spring brings rapid change, and this quarter’s Q2 Outlook is no stranger to it. We will summarize the variety of challenges facing procurement in the print marketplace (surprise hint: it’s just not paper!). Also in this month’s report: Big wins for Quantum and myself personally as we earned 13 Great Lakes Graphics Association - Graphics Excellence Awards (GEA) contest, including multiple Best of Category and Division awards.
Welcome Gen Z
Feb 3, 2021 1:09:03 PM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in marketing strategy
Strategies to Connect With the Next Generation
Paul’s Perspective Paper & Trend Analysis
Jan 27, 2021 2:42:23 PM / by Paul Fillmore posted in paper, sustainability
Pop the cork, it is finally 2021! It is time for our Q1 Paper and Trend Analysis. This month we will be looking at forecast revisions in the wake of the vaccine rollout and what that may mean for buyers and their supply chains. The increases we discussed in Q4 will materialize as the mills start to make pricing moves. We will look at what some intelligent folks are saying about B2B and the new role of digital. Finally, as always, I will bring you up to date on sustainability.