
The Latest News from Quantum Group

The ABCs of Using Print in Account-Based Marketing Campaigns

Jan 23, 2024 10:26:41 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in marketing strategy, printing


The growth of account-based marketing (ABM) campaigns during the last few years has opened up some interesting avenues for marketers to take a more strategic approach to communicating with audiences that are apt to engage with your messaging. While customer outreach methods like social media marketing or even content marketing are good for building brand awareness and creating thought leadership, ABM campaigns are designed to connect with a more targeted audience that is more likely to convert on high-value offers. 

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4 Trends in Direct Mail Marketing to Keep An Eye On

Jan 11, 2024 11:50:58 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in direct mail, marketing strategy, printing


Direct mail is not dead — in fact, this print marketing communication form is very much alive and well. A recent United States Postal Service report found that 75% of respondents said receiving personalized direct mail makes them feel special, and today’s consumers still put more trust in the print communication channel compared to the digital channel. 

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Yes, Print Automation Can Help Optimize Your Data Security and Compliance Efforts

Dec 15, 2023 9:49:06 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in printing


Data security and compliance has always been top of mind for companies in highly-regulated industries, or those that deal with large volumes of personal consumer data — for the former, think industries like healthcare or finance, and, for the latter, think industries like retail or ecommerce. A recent report found that 91% of Fortune 500 organizations have updated their business and operational strategies to address data security risks, and these efforts are extending beyond security and compliance in the digital space.  

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What to Know About the 2024 USPS® Promotions and Incentive Programs

Dec 8, 2023 9:42:39 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in direct mail, marketing strategy, printing


The USPS® Promotions and Incentive Programs are designed to help businesses and brands save on the cost of direct mail postage, but the programs also encourage companies to think outside the box and incorporate existing new digital technology to help make their direct mail campaigns more interactive and engaging.

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How Working with a Strategic Print Partner Can Help You Get the Most Out of the USPS® Informed Delivery® Program

Nov 20, 2023 9:31:24 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in personalization, marketing strategy, printing


A recent survey of millennials found that 3 out of 4 participants indicated that they find value in and look forward to receiving print mail. Given the importance of this demographic in a variety of industries, it’s no surprise that more marketers are incorporating direct mail campaigns into their overall marketing and communication strategy. 

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Yes, Print Automation Can Help Financial Service Providers Reach More Targeted Audiences Faster

Nov 7, 2023 9:27:09 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in direct mail, personalization, printing


Even with the growth of paperless or digital banking services, print communications still have a large part to play in how financial service providers engage with current customers and attract new customers. In fact, more than 50% of banks and credit unions expect their print volumes to remain the same in the near future.   

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Turn the Page: How a Strategic Print Partner Can Help Companies Use Print Automation to Create Effective Multi-Channel Campaigns

Oct 24, 2023 9:30:03 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in paper, marketing strategy, printing


For today’s average consumer, engaging with brands in a single-channel format is simply not enough to move them through the sales funnel. In fact, research shows that consumers engage with brands on at least three channels before they decide to purchase a product or service. This means companies must think in a more multi-channel way when conceptualizing sales and marketing campaigns in order to create as many touch points.

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Why Insurers Should Be Thinking About Print Automation Now to Create More Strategic Print Communications in 2024

Oct 13, 2023 9:29:14 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in paper, printing


A recent look at the current state of the insurance industry found that more insurers are rapidly embracing smart digital technology platforms like AI-enabled chatbots to provide more personalized customer experiences on their websites. Today’s consumer expects custom, highly-targeted messaging that speaks to their individual wants and needs, and this is especially true when it comes to matters of insurance. 

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How Print Automation Can Help Increase the Sustainability of Your Commercial Print Needs

Sep 28, 2023 10:26:24 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in sustainability, printing


It’s no secret that sustainability is top of mind for companies across nearly every industry. In fact, a recent study found that 65% of companies rank sustainability as one of the most important issues to address in their short and mid-term planning. While the direct impact of a more eco-friendly business model is helping to protect the environment, there are a number of other benefits for companies in focusing on more sustainable practices. 

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Back to School: 3 Examples of How Print Automation Can Benefit Higher Education Institutions

Sep 15, 2023 11:04:00 AM / by Quantum Marketing Team posted in printing


A recent study found universities spend between $429 and $623 per enrolled student each year on marketing campaigns to help drive enrollment. While some of this spend is on digital marketing campaigns, a sizable percentage is spent on print marketing collateral like direct mail and brochures. 

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  • A pair of hands holding a stack of papers

    The ABCs of Using Print in Account-Based Marketing Campaigns

    The growth of account-based marketing (ABM) campaigns during the last few years has opened up some...

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  •  A pair of hands wrapping a rubber band around a stack of papers

    4 Trends in Direct Mail Marketing to Keep An Eye On

    Direct mail is not dead — in fact, this print marketing communication form is very much alive and...

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  • An energy bill envelope

    Yes, Print Automation Can Help Optimize Your Data Security and Compliance Efforts

    Data security and compliance has always been top of mind for companies in highly-regulated...

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  • Mail packaging and packing tape

    What to Know About the 2024 USPS® Promotions and Incentive Programs

    The USPS® Promotions and Incentive Programs are designed to help businesses and brands save on the...

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  • A pair of hands holdings a USPS brochure

    How Working with a Strategic Print Partner Can Help You Get the Most Out of the USPS® Informed Delivery® Program

    A recent survey of millennials found that 3 out of 4 participants indicated that they find value in...

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  • A UW 23 unwinder printing envelopes

    Yes, Print Automation Can Help Financial Service Providers Reach More Targeted Audiences Faster

    Even with the growth of paperless or digital banking services, print communications still have a...

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  • Commercial press printing sales and marketing collateral

    Turn the Page: How a Strategic Print Partner Can Help Companies Use Print Automation to Create Effective Multi-Channel Campaigns

    For today’s average consumer, engaging with brands in a single-channel format is simply not enough...

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  • Man flipping through documents

    Why Insurers Should Be Thinking About Print Automation Now to Create More Strategic Print Communications in 2024

    A recent look at the current state of the insurance industry found that more insurers are rapidly...

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  • Rolling paper printer

    How Print Automation Can Help Increase the Sustainability of Your Commercial Print Needs

    It’s no secret that sustainability is top of mind for companies across nearly every industry. In...

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  • Stack of magazines

    Back to School: 3 Examples of How Print Automation Can Benefit Higher Education Institutions

    A recent study found universities spend between $429 and $623 per enrolled student each year on...

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